3: Update OpenGL Driver in Device Manager.1: Update the OpenGL Driver Automatically.For instance, if you are using Intel HD graphics card, try to update the Intel driver so as to get the latest OpenGL driver installed. While in order to get the OpenGL drivers updated, you need only update the display driver as OpenGL driver will come along with the driver you download. In this way, there is a high probability that you can’t enjoy the maximized gaming experience. It is said that if not updating the OpenGL drivers, your PC will automatically set the OpenGL to its default version, namely, OpenGL 1.1. How to Download and Update OpenGL Drivers? On another hand, the OpenGL driver ensuring OpenGL is installed with the graphics card driver, like Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA HD graphics drivers. It is worth noting that OpenGL aims to communicate with the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) to improve the performance of the hardware. It will provide these programs with graphics and images. OpenGL, short for Open Graphics Library, is the standard 3D Graphics API and is often required in some games or software. Method 3: Update OpenGL Driver in Device Manager What is OpenGL? What is OpenGL Driver?